Successful projects

Siepe meets its customers' requirements through key performance features:
low-maintenance, reliable plants that take into account economic and environmental aspects, and flexible, high performance developments.

This basic principle ensures mutually beneficial partnerships with our customers and products to a high professional standard - "Made in Germany"

Innovative and energy-saving conveyor technology – collision impossible

We are your one-stop shop for everything from layout design and manufacturing, including control system construction, to assembly and commissioning. Our seamless data tracking has established itself as an outstanding feature. With us, you also always know where which product is at any given time. Connections to higher-level MES or ERP systems are no longer uncommon.

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Together we will find the best
possible product and solution
for your company.


A trusting partnership with our customers
is very important to us. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.


Detailed project planning in
terms of responsibilities, implementation,
schedule and budget.



We ensure a high standard of
our services and works.


We produce materials at
a high technological
level "Made in Germany


We always work to
complete your projects
quickly, flexibly and on time.

Siepe GmbH & Co. KG
Landwehr 10-12
D-59969 Hallenberg

Phone: (+49) 2984 - 92992-0
Fax: (+49) 2984 - 92992-9

E-Mail: info(at)siepe.de